
User install

ODMax can be installed with pip install.

To install ODMax open a console, activate a python virtual environment if you wish and do:

$ pip install odmax

This will install the library, API and command-line utility of ODMax.


For windows users, it may be difficult to get geographic libraries installed with the normal pip install procedure. For windows users we therefore recommend that you follow the Developer install instructions and setup a conda environment using the environment.yml delivered with the code. This environment includes geopandas and cartopy. After that follow the instructions above from within the established environment. We will deliver a conda package soon so that you can simply install with conda install odmax.

Developer install

If you want to download ODMax directly from git to easily have access to the latest developments or make changes to the code you can use the following steps.

First, clone ODMax’s git repo from github, then navigate into the the code folder as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd ODMax

Then, make and activate a new python environment if you wish, or use your base environment. After that, build and install odmax for development using pip as follows:

$ pip install -e .

Installation of exiftool for metadata extraction

Especially for photogrammetry or 360 streetview applications, it is essential to have time stamps and geographical coordinates embedded in the extracted stills. ODMax automatically extracts such information from 360-video files if these are recorded by the device used. In order to do this, ODMax requires exiftool to be installed and available on the path. To install exiftool in Windows, please follow the download and installation instructions for Windows on For Linux, you can also follow the download and installation instructions, or simply acquire a stable version from the package manager of your installed distribution. E.g. for Ubuntu users, you can easily install exiftool as follows:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl


For windows installation, please make sure to rename exiftool(k).exe to exiftool.exe and make sure exiftool.exe is located in a folder that is part of your PATH environment variable. If you do not know how to get a folder added to your PATH then simply ensure that you copy the exiftool(k).exe to C:\WINDOWS and rename it after that to exiftool.exe.