Welcome to ODMax’s documentation!

ODMax is a command-line and API utility to convert 360-degree videos from platforms such as GoPro, or Google Insta series into 360 degree stills or Front, Right, Left, Back, Up and Down projected stills. A major use case for this tool is development of 3D point clouds and meshes in software such as OpenDroneMap. The image below shows a demonstration of what is possible when connecting ODMax to OpenDroneMap. To use this functionality, please check out our demonstration notebooks.



ODMax has been created by Rainbow Sensing to support local people, with local devices and software to monitor their. environment. If you like ODMax, require additional functionalities or want to contact us for other work or ideas, please email us on info@rainbowsensing.com


Acknowledgement: the development of ODMax has been funded by the Australian National University - Research School of Biology